As part of our Collective Agreement and the PEBT (Public Education Benefits Trust) program, CUPE 3523 members are part of a process called the JEIS (Joint Early Intervention Services).The objective of this service is to try to provide our members with any help that may be required to get through an illness, injury or situation resulting in them being off work for more than six days. The goal is to help those who can, go back to work when they are ready, and to assist those who may be going on to Long Term Disability (LTD). Those going on to LTD will find that this process will help them get the required paperwork, etc. ready ahead of time. Members will also be provided with any assistance they may need for treatment between the waiting period and actual acceptance into the program.
Once an employee has been off on sick leave for more than six (6) consecutive days, their names are forwarded to Desjardin’s Financial Security (carrier) and also to CUPE 3523 President. Someone from Desjardin’s (currently Sue Bulloch) will contact the employee to discuss their situation and help them with required paperwork. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact CUPE.
Our goal as a Union is to try to help our members return to work as soon as they are capable, with any assistance we can possibly give them through JEIS.