
K-12 Planning Session with Member Organizers

We’re excited to be participating in a provincial campaign to address violence in our workplaces. Across the province, CUPE members are organizing to bring attention to this issue by asking members to sign a letter to the next Minister of Education calling for safe workplaces and funding to ensure all students get the education they deserve.

We need your help reaching out to our fellow members to ask them to take action and participate in this campaign. We will learn about this campaign and create a plan to connect with members on Saturday, September 28, at the CUPE Kelowna Area Office (exact time TBD). If you would like to participate in this session, please contact us at [email protected] or call 250-860-3523.

Please join us in working together to build our collective power and make changes in our workplace!

Collective Agreement and Provincial Framework

The ratified changes to your Collective Agreement

To find out information regarding the New Provincial framework and your New Memorandum of Agreement please use the two links below:

Both of these files together make up the changes to your current Collective Agreement that make up the New Collective Agreement (July 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2025).

The final version of your joint Collective Agreement with Central Okanagan Public Schools, will be posted on our website once completed by BCPSEA.

Provincial Framework

CUPE Local 3523 MOA Collective Agreement ’23

Employee and Family Assistance Program

Updated September 2023

Please open the link below for updated information on the Employee and Family Assistance Program.

EFAP Information Update September 2023

2019-2022 Collective Agreement

Click on the link below to view the 2019-2022 Collective Agreement

Collective Agreement 2019-2022 (002)

Important Updates

CUPE Information and Bulletins are available for viewing at: BC Schools